Tune-Up, No. 6: Maisie Adam on ripping up the comedy roadmap
- Friday 3rd December 2021
With her first tour starting next year, Maisie Adam tells us how she made such rapid strides - by ignoring conventional comedy wisdom.
The Secret Reviewer #33: The Life Sentence
- Thursday 2nd December 2021
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: Is live gigging still the biggest deal?
Fine-tuning a gag and why it matters
- Sunday 28th November 2021
Fine-tuning a joke is important because it can mean the difference between its success or failure, whether it "lands" and makes people laugh or not. It is also the difference between being a lazy hack and a real craftsperson of comedy. Here's some thoughts and tips on the topic...
Why is writing a pilot sitcom script SO INCREDIBLY HARD?
- Monday 22nd November 2021
James Cary explains how you can find your way into the process of writing that script.
Hat Trick Sitcom Script Competition: An introduction
- Wednesday 3rd November 2021
Ahead of the exciting Hat Trick Sitcom Geeks Script Competition, here's a blog explaining the tone of show that the competition will be looking for.
Jon Petrie announces BBC Comedy commissioning team
- Wednesday 3rd November 2021
Jon Petrie, the new Director of BBC Comedy, has announced his new commissioning team.
The Secret Reviewer #32: One Corpse Too Many
- Monday 1st November 2021
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: Shouldn't we be the ones laughing?
Breaking The News writing tips
- Friday 29th October 2021
Breaking The News producer Lauren Mackay offers some tips on how to be successful writing for the topical comedy show.
Breaking The News: Behind-the-scenes on the topical comedy show
- Friday 29th October 2021
We talk to the producers behind Breaking The News, the hit BBC Scotland topical radio and TV format that you can write for. Discover how they put the show together, and how to get involved.
My Comedy Career: Martin Collins & Alex Finch
- Thursday 28th October 2021
With a second series of Sandylands landed on Gold, it seems like a great time to talk to writers Martin Collins and Alex Finch about what they do, and how they do it.