Why you should blog
- Friday 10th September 2021
It's the twenty-first century... but publishing a blog is still a brilliant thing for a comedy writer to do. Here's why...
Punching Up vs Punching Down
- Thursday 2nd September 2021
As a comedy writer or stand-up you may have heard the phrase "punch up, not down" or a variation thereof. It's an important comedy guideline that concerns both the ethics and funniness of your material.
The Secret Reviewer #30: Ghosts in the Machine
- Wednesday 1st September 2021
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: Does it matter who writes a stand-up's material?
BCG Pro Sessions video: Christine Rose
- Tuesday 31st August 2021
What's it like in a TV panel show writers' room? That question, and many more, are answered in this 70 minute video recording of our BCG Pro Sessions interview with top gag writer Christine Rose.
12 rules of life (and comedy writing)
- Monday 23rd August 2021
Dave Cohen has been thinking a lot about life recently. If you're a comedy writer, you could gain something from following his conclusions.
My Comedy Career: Jonathan Paul Green
- Thursday 19th August 2021
You've probably seen the words "Production Designer" in the credits of television comedy shows, but do you know what this important role involves? Jonathan Paul Green has kindly agreed to explain more...
Make online comedy (and go viral)
- Wednesday 18th August 2021
Have you got into making and sharing online comedy yet? Ahead of his Zoom sketch comedy course, Chris Head writes about the kind of comedy you can make, how to find the funny, and offers up tips on how to go viral.
Tune-Up, No. 4: Ian Smith on getting gigs, and green room etiquette
- Thursday 12th August 2021
Ian Smith loves crosswords - there's a podcast - but not cross words. So he's the ideal man to ask about green room dos and don'ts, and how to get gigs in the first place.
Inspiration is a red herring. You need commitment and discipline
- Tuesday 10th August 2021
Inspiration is often talked about as if it's the main problem facing comedy creatives. Inspiration is a red herring; what you need are commitment and discipline...
How to be prolific
- Tuesday 3rd August 2021
Here are some nuts-and-bolts tips on how to be prolific (productive)... tips you can use even if, actually, you're a lazy person.