Single Camera or Studio Audience?
- Thursday 14th April 2022
So: you're working on a new sitcom project. You now face a choice: what type of sitcom should your show be? Single camera or studio audience?
Writing dialogue in a comedy script
- Friday 8th April 2022
Here are some issues to consider as you write dialogue in your next comedy script.
Don't worry about getting an agent
- Tuesday 5th April 2022
Newer comedy writers often focus a lot of energy on trying to get a comedy agent. In this article, we explain why you shouldn't worry about that... yet.
The Secret Reviewer #37: Stand-Up and be Counted
- Sunday 3rd April 2022
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: Comedians vs hecklers can be complicated.
Finishing a script
- Thursday 31st March 2022
Finishing a script can be far more challenging than starting one. Finishing your work might feel like an almighty task, but it is also essential... and it can be done.
Structuring a scene
- Monday 28th March 2022
If you're a new writer, structuring a scene can be daunting. In a fit of enthusiasm (or confusion, if you haven't planned properly), scenes can run away from you, becoming scrappy and directionless...
BCG Pro Sessions video: Steve Speirs
- Friday 25th March 2022
The 70 minute video of our conversation with top actor and writer Steve Speirs. Topics of discussion include sitcom plotting, the process of television commissioning/development and how to comedically 'set fireworks off'.
Tune-Up, No. 8: Robin Ince on how to get science into stand-up
- Wednesday 23rd March 2022
Niche, scholarly topics can now work on comedy stages - Robin Ince explains how he started putting heavy concepts into club sets.
What's your show about?
- Tuesday 22nd March 2022
The best sitcoms are always about more than a bunch of people exchanging jokes. The first thing to remember is that what your show is about is not where it's set...
Combatting writer's block
- Thursday 17th March 2022
All but the most heightened, rarest of creative geniuses will experience writer's block - or at least admit to it. But how to get past that empty page, glaring, mockingly back at you? That is the real mark of a writer in control.