Watch back the How To Write A Great Sketch webinar
- Friday 10th June 2022
BCG Pro facilitated a Zoom-based webinar on the topic of 'How To Write A Sketch'. Here's the video recording of that hour-long session.
Comedy writing: Finding your voice
- Tuesday 7th June 2022
"Finding your voice" is an important part of becoming a more confident writer. Here are some things you can do to help you unearth the authentic, original comedy writer within.
The Secret Reviewer #39: Hackwatch
- Wednesday 1st June 2022
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: From TV genius to stand-up hack: it's a regrettable transition.
Prepping the perfect one pager
- Friday 27th May 2022
What exactly does a producer mean by "a page", and how do you prepare a document that meets their expectations?
How to be a great sitcom writer - one sketch at a time
- Wednesday 25th May 2022
Writer and tutor Dave Cohen makes a very compelling case for practicing short-form writing (sketches) in order to excel in longer-form narrative (sitcom). All the disciplines you need are right there...
Comedy writing: Keeping going
- Friday 20th May 2022
Writing professionally is as much a test of endurance as it is of skill. Here are some things to bear in mind when it gets difficult, and you need some help and encouragement.
- Wednesday 18th May 2022
Goals goals goals. All writers need something to aim for, but self-motivation in particular can be a strain. Here we look at setting and achieving goals in the creation of comedy.
DMs Are Open interview with producers Sadia Azmat and Rajiv Karia
- Monday 16th May 2022
DMs Are Open, the new BBC Radio show which the public are invited to submit to, is now open for submissions. BCG Pro talked to producers Sadia Azmat and Rajiv Karia to find out more about what they're hoping to see in their inbox.
Broad / Family / Reputational / Young - BBC Comedy commissioning wishlist
- Sunday 15th May 2022
A summary of the BBC's new comedy commissioning priorities. Have a read to find out about what kind of formats the BBC are looking for, and how they're changing their decision making processes in terms of categorisation, money and measuring success.
Jon Petrie's BBC Comedy Festival speech
- Wednesday 11th May 2022
The full text of BBC Director of Comedy Jon Petrie's speech at the inaugural BBC Comedy Festival in Newcastle.