Beyond sitcom - comedy, and comic, journalism
- Friday 23rd December 2022
Journalistic writing can provide excellent exposure, not to mention extra income, to writers and performers at all levels.
Stuck? These exercises can help!
- Thursday 15th December 2022
We look at three exercises used by professional comedy writers that can be employed in a wide range of situations where you find yourself stuck. They'll help you generate ideas, refine characters and hone storylines.
BCG Pro Sessions video: Sam Leifer
- Wednesday 14th December 2022
We had such an interesting and enjoyable chat with Plebs director and co-writer Sam Leifer for our December 2022 BCG Pro Sessions event. Here's the video recording.
Back to basics: becoming a comedy writer
- Friday 9th December 2022
In this article we run through what's needed to get your comedy writing career - or hobby - going.
The Secret Reviewer #45: One Big Happy Family
- Tuesday 6th December 2022
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: Tread carefully when talking about comedians, with comedians.
Do you want to write a book?
- Thursday 1st December 2022
You can't really write a book on a whim. So before you embark seriously on the exercise you need to ask yourself - is this something you really want to do?
Writing children's comedy
- Saturday 26th November 2022
Children's comedy can be a very rewarding subsection of the comedy industry to work in - and many writers who also write for "adult" productions operate very successfully there.
Chris Head introduces his comedy writing podcast
- Wednesday 23rd November 2022
Chris Head has launched Q&HA! The Question Tools of Comedy, a podcast in which he gives writing inspiration.
Video: Writers' Guild panel on comedy writing
- Monday 21st November 2022
A video of a Writers' Guild of Great Britain panel in which Lucy Porter talks to Lee Ridley, Jack Rooke, Amna Saleem and Steve Canny about topics including gaining a foothold in the comedy writing business.
My Comedy Career: Rupert Majendie
- Friday 18th November 2022
Producer Rupert Majendie has a CV that includes hit live comedy shows, the film Brian And Charles and TV shows include Pls Like, This Time With Alan Partridge and King Gary. We caught up with him as he prepares to launch his next series, Live At The Moth Club.