The Secret Reviewer #47: I Will Follow
- Thursday 2nd February 2023
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: What's the etiquette when old acquaintances turn bad?
All about the BBC Comedy Collective
- Friday 27th January 2023
As the BBC's inaugural Comedy Collective application window reaches its final weekend, we have an exclusive Q&A with Commissioning Editor Emma Lawson and Assistant Commissioning Editor Emma Barnard about the scheme, why it's been created, and what the BBC is looking for.
Writers: Coming to Big Comedy Conference? You should be!
- Friday 27th January 2023
Why should you bother coming to the Big Comedy Conference? Dave Cohen has some thoughts. Also: news of an extra bonus if you live near London or are planning to stay overnight - a Sunday workshop.
Everyone Else Burns creators Dillon Mapletoft and Oliver Taylor talk comedy writing
- Friday 27th January 2023
Dillon Mapletoft and Oliver Taylor are the creators of Channel 4's doomsday cult sitcom Everyone Else Burns. In this interview they talk about the process of writing and working together, being in a writers' room with Armando Iannucci, and more.
Selling yourself
- Friday 27th January 2023
To make inroads in the comedy industry you'll need to present yourself in the best possible way - and get both yourself, and your work, out there.
My Comedy Career: David Cantor
- Wednesday 25th January 2023
David Cantor, who has written Jumping The Shark, a touring play inspired by some of the greatest comedy writing legends, talks through his career. He says discipline, positivity and having a thick skin are invaluable in this line of work.
Script editors: the three types
- Wednesday 18th January 2023
'Script Editor' can be quite a nebulous job title, and individual script editors can vary considerably in both their approach and the range of their input and responsibilities.
The return of the topical comedy show
- Thursday 12th January 2023
Dave Cohen explains why you should seriously consider developing your news-based joke writing skills.
Coping with rejection
- Friday 6th January 2023
Rejection. Everyone faces it - and, in particular, all writers face it. It's not pleasant, and it's not easy, but it is something any budding comedy writer - as well as any budding actor, performer, producer or director - will have to deal with.
The Secret Reviewer #46: A Captive Audience
- Monday 2nd January 2023
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: Getting stuck in a show is no laughing matter.