Protecting yourself as a comedy writer
- Wednesday 8th March 2023
As a comedy writer you are often little more than the flutter of a butterfly's wing away from huge success or going back to the drawing board. There are, however, plenty of things you can do to ensure the process isn't any more difficult or stressful than it needs to be.
Writing Funny
- Friday 3rd March 2023
If you want to be a successful comedy writer, your scripts will have to be funny. There is no two ways about it. So, here is a checklist of "funny" that your script should ideally deliver...
The Secret Reviewer #48: Good Question
- Friday 3rd March 2023
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: the best interviews are a tricky high-wire act.
Exploring the 'fish out of water' sitcom
- Friday 24th February 2023
The 'fish out of water' is a situation comedy construct that has seemingly fallen out of favour in recent years. But just because it isn't in vogue doesn't mean that it's not worth considering. We look at the format here.
Finding the funny in your sitcom
- Wednesday 15th February 2023
A guide to the origin of jokes in narrative comedy writing.
My Comedy Career: Mark Bell
- Wednesday 15th February 2023
Theatrical director Mark Bell's latest work, Windfall, is currently running at the Southwark Playhouse. He took time out from rehearsals to spill the secrets from his line of work.
Joke structures
- Friday 10th February 2023
Certain tried and tested jokes structures have evolved over time, and some knowledge of the rudiments of their forms can be helpful to comedy writers. We look at some of the structures in this article.
What do I want to write?
- Thursday 9th February 2023
April's Big Comedy Conference will be hosting a number of panels around the craft of writing sitcom and comedy drama. Dave Cohen offers some pointers to help you decide the kind of script you'll want to develop.
BCG Pro Sessions video: Simon Nye
- Wednesday 8th February 2023
Top comedy writer Simon Nye talks frankly and in-depth about the craft of scripting shows in this hour-long video.
My Comedy Career: Adrian Gray
- Tuesday 7th February 2023
Adrian Gray has been attracting millions of views online, particularly for his Forgotten History format. In this interview we find out more about how he got to this point, and his thoughts on the precarious nature of internet publishing.