The comedy creator's notebook
- Thursday 20th April 2023
Whether you are writing sitcoms, plays, films or stand-up material, a notebook is an essential piece of kit for almost all comedy creatives.
Starting out in stand-up
- Thursday 13th April 2023
If you're looking to give stand-up a go you'll probably be starting at open mic nights. But, before you book yourself some spots, there's other things to consider, from your material to a stage persona.
Getting It Done
- Friday 7th April 2023
Actually finishing your creative comedy projects is very important. So here are some tricks and techniques to help you 'get it done'.
BCG Pro Sessions video: Ashley Blaker
- Thursday 6th April 2023
The video recording of our hour-long Zoom session with comedy practitioner Ashley Blaker. He talks about writing, performing and producing.
Games, Subgames and Character Games in comedy writing - as seen in original Monty Python scripts
- Tuesday 4th April 2023
Chris Head is running a comedy writing course at the British Library in London where you will see original Monty Python scripts! Here he writes about 'games' in comedy sketches.
The Secret Reviewer #49: Zealous Guy
- Saturday 1st April 2023
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: Weird comedy in the wrong place can get ugly.
The Comparison Trap
- Tuesday 28th March 2023
Live comedy publicist and agent Carla Speight talks about 'the comparison trap' - "It does happen to everyone and it is a big deal".
More useful tips for making your sitcom script sparkle
- Wednesday 22nd March 2023
Here are five more tips to help you on your journey to the perfect sitcom script.
The four hour voice
- Sunday 19th March 2023
Dave Cohen explains how listening to Tim Ferriss learning about writing is a helpful task in finding your own writer's voice.
Useful tips for making your sitcom script sparkle
- Friday 17th March 2023
Story generation, structure and dialogue are amongst the topics we touch upon in this article about making sure your script is in the best possible shape.