The Secret Reviewer #54: The Big Stage
- Friday 1st September 2023
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: Should we be sniffy about arena comedy?
3 ways to start your stand-up set
- Thursday 31st August 2023
How you choose to start your stand-up set will create the tone of your performance. But what is the best approach? We discuss the options.
Three's A Crowd: writing in a group
- Thursday 24th August 2023
We've spoken in depth about writing as part of a duo, but what if your creative collaboration is in a larger pool?
Big Comedy Conference video: Commissioners
- Friday 18th August 2023
The video recording of the Big Comedy Conference session in which the top executives in broadcast comedy sat down to talk about today's industry.
Pitching your TV comedy
- Wednesday 16th August 2023
Pitching to producers in meetings is a trend that has grown in British television recently. Here are some useful elements to bear in mind when you are invited to such meetings.
Two's Company: writing as a pair
- Wednesday 9th August 2023
Many writers end up working with another person at some point in their career. Here we talk about some of the issues and decisions you're likely to face when doing so.
Crafting Dreaming Whilst Black
- Friday 4th August 2023
Co-creator, writer, star and producer Adjani Salmon talks to BCG Pro about the making of his 2016 web series, Dreaming Whilst Black, and its journey through pilot to fully-fledged BBC Three comedy in 2023.
The Secret Reviewer #53: August and Everything After
- Tuesday 1st August 2023
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: Oh f*ck, it's Edinburgh Fringe, 2023.
Audio comedy tips
- Monday 31st July 2023
We analyse some pointers issued by the BBC in relation to a new initiative trying to develop new radio comedies to transfer to mainstream TV hits.
It will get worse (and that is good)
- Friday 28th July 2023
US comic Chloe Radcliffe provides a healthy dose of the reality of a career in comedy: ups, downs, and putting them into perspective for your long term benefit and mental health.