How to finish your script
- Monday 16th October 2023
Here, we offer 3 simple tricks to help you finish your script.
Three things to look out for when rewriting your script
- Friday 13th October 2023
Three important elements to consider as you're rewriting your script.
How stand-ups can use social media, part two
- Thursday 12th October 2023
In this piece, we continue to discuss how stand-ups can make the most of their social media presence.
How to analyse your script
- Wednesday 11th October 2023
Here we look at the elements you need to consider when analysing a script you've written for a new project.
How stand-ups can use social media, part one
- Tuesday 10th October 2023
In this piece, we discuss how stand-ups can make the most of their social media presence.
Members ask... The Skewer's Jon Holmes
- Monday 9th October 2023
Plenty of Pro members have secured their first professional writing credit on Jon Holmes' The Skewer. Here, we put your most asked questions to the man himself.
- Friday 6th October 2023
In this piece, we talk about the importance of collaboration, and how we can help you find collaborators.
Physicality in stand-up comedy: What should I do with my hands?
- Thursday 5th October 2023
Movement director Sam Burkett discusses the importance of stage presence and physicality for stand-up comedians.
My Comedy Career: Juliet Cowan
- Wednesday 4th October 2023
You'll have seen Juliet Cowan acting in a number of TV sitcoms and comedy dramas. As she prepares to bring her debut comedy hour to the Women in Comedy Festival in Manchester at the weekend, we ask her about work-life balance, tips to get into the industry, and more.
How to spot good notes
- Tuesday 3rd October 2023
Spotting good notes is a crucial ability for any writer. Here's how to do it.