Big Comedy Conference video: Characters
- Thursday 9th November 2023
James Cary talks to Tom Basden, Benjamin Green and Sarah Morgan about defining comedy characters.
My Comedy Career: Leah Brotherhead
- Wednesday 8th November 2023
As Leah Brotherhead returns to our screens to play Toni in the second series of Channel 4 sitcom Hullraisers, we talk to her about the work/life balance of being an actor.
The Secret Reviewer #56: The Free Stuff Freeway
- Tuesday 7th November 2023
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: Should you give random writers free tickets?
How we made The Bystanders
- Monday 6th November 2023
The Bystanders - a new film now in cinemas - is an off-the-wall, sci-fi comedy set in a parallel dimension. Here, we have gathered together some of those involved in making the movie to share their experiences.
Falmouth master's course graduates on why you should study comedy writing
- Friday 3rd November 2023
Five alumni from Falmouth University's Comedy Writing master's degree share their experiences of undertaking the online course.
Members Ask... Charlie Higson, part 2
- Thursday 2nd November 2023
In the second part of his exclusive interview, Charlie Higson answers Pro members' questions on everything from making comedy a full time career to getting an agent.
Webinar video: Simon Nelson from BBC Writersroom
- Wednesday 1st November 2023
A recording of the webinar in which Simon Nelson from BBC Writersroom talks about what sort of comedy dramas the BBC is looking for in the next BBC Writersroom Script Call Window.
BCG Pro Sessions video: Gina Lyons
- Wednesday 1st November 2023
Here's the recording of our October 2023 BCG Pro Sessions Q&A with TV producer Gina Lyons. The hour-long discussion goes in-depth on topics related to developing comedy projects for TV.
Members Ask... Charlie Higson, part 1
- Tuesday 31st October 2023
We put our members' questions to Charlie Higson. Here is the first part of his detailed, thoughtful, insightful responses.