Pat Rascal: Space Gravy is a narrative sketch show that follows three friends as they try to be the first to reach Mars, against all the odds. The poster focuses firstly on how unprepared they are (with three kids in a trenchcoat hoping to hitchhike), and also on the scale of their ambition (the sign maybe possibly sort-of resembles a flag on the surface of Mars).
Thanks to Uniqlo for the £99 trenchcoat which we returned the next day, and to Lidl for the tinfoil which we weren't allowed to return.
- Designer
- Sam Dodgshon
- Designer
- Rob Davidson
- Photographer
- Sam Dodgshon
- Performer
- Anisa Khorassani
- Performer
- Rob Davidson
- Performer
- Matt Blin
- Costume Designer
- Maria Sole Di Capua
- Show
- Pat Rascal: Space Gravy