British Comedy Guide

Comedy Poster Awards

Bad Clowns: HOSTAGE

The poster for Bad Clowns: HOSTAGE

The inspiration behind the poster for "Bad Clowns HOSTAGE Redux" was to parody the retro style of classic action movie posters, that captured all the drama you were expecting to see in the film. The Bad Clowns poster does this but with an extra twist of comedy, similar to the show itself, the difference being that it's within a theatre setting where you don't know who will make the final curtain.

I include visual nods to specific things that happen within the show that at first glance would have you intrigued and questioning "Why is there a monkey?" or "Why are there ribbons?" but, after viewing the show your questions will be answered! The secrets reveal themselves leaving you smiling and laughing, making you feel like you're in on the in-jokes with The Bad Clowns, a moment of "If you know, you know!" so you become a part of the show before, during and after experiencing it.
Even the depiction of the audience on the poster shows how integral they are to the performance; plot twists, reveals and all!

I wanted the poster to be dramatic, professional and fun! Capturing the overall feeling of the show and to resonate with the audience members throughout their experience.

Johanna Dart
Johanna Dart
Bad Clowns
John Bond
Christian Dart
Sam Walls
Bad Clowns: HOSTAGE

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