British Comedy Guide

Comedy Poster Awards

Ignacio Lopez: Señor Self-Destruct

The poster for Ignacio Lopez: Señor Self-Destruct

The show is about destroying myself and making something better. I wanted something absurdly colourful, not just to stand-out, but to show some optimism as I'm dealing with some sad stuff at the start. Michelle and I work together all the time; we wanted to create something eye-catching and dynamic, but are both very anti AI, so I had the bright idea to do everything manually. Her favourite colour is turquoise, and it fits with my memories of growing up in Mallorca along the coast, so I went to B&Q, bought a tub of 'Turquoise Twist' house paint, built a set, got an armchair someone was throwing out, a hand grenade I got on eBay, and painted absolutely everything, my acoustic guitar, my microphone, the chair, the wallpaper, the grenade, the carpet, a suit I ordered from ASOS (it is by far the least comfortable thing I've ever worn, and they won't let me return it now). Michelle shot a load of images, but the one of me leaning forward pulling the pin was my favourite, and it popped right out of the camera. Laying the text on top was easy as Michelle always shoots with plenty of negative space around the subject (in this case, me), and it's my favourite poster I've ever had. Side note: does anyone want to buy a turquoise armchair?

Ignacio Lopez
Michelle Huggleston
Ignacio Lopez
Ignacio Lopez: Señor Self-Destruct

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