British Comedy Guide

Comedy Poster Awards


The poster for Neurodiversions

I wanted our poster to look chaotic enough to reflect the show, but also still have enough order to it that people could see the dates, time, and venue (and therefore they miiight come to the show?). I think the poster reflects the show quite well, there are some elements in the poster which represent Ethan's (Shakespeare) and my (seagull) respective best known jokes, and of course Ethan is driving the car in space as I am dyspraxic and would have crashed it if I'd been behind the wheel.

I made every aspect of the posters myself except for the road sign graphics*- I did the sky myself and I even drew a cartoon of me and Ethan which actually sort of looks a bit like us! This is a minor miracle as I did mediocre at best in art assignments at university.

*Traffic signs are under Crown copyright and I must declare this fact if I am to use them in my work.

Emerson Young
Ethan Madds
Emerson Young

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