Stone Clearing With Richard Herring: Chapter 62
Chapter 62 - Can You Stone Clear Without A Dog? It's Eafter Monday 13th (not 12th) April at about 8.45am and Rich is doing his first ever completely solo stone clear. Will it be the same without Wolfie (she's OK, just on a little holiday at the in-laws)? Has Rich's head been turned by the tens of people who have been tuning in to WATCH him ftone-clear? (THE BLAFPHEMY - check it out 8am most mornings at http://twitch.tv/rkherring) NO. He disdains those idiots and only likes the true flag hagf who will only listen to podcasts recorded from inside his pocket. But, in exciting field news, there's a new bench on the field.
- Published: 13th April 2020
- Length: 20 mins
- Size: 19.5mb