Me1 vs Me2 Snooker with Richard Herring: Frame 5
Frame 5: Both players have scores to settle and bad reputations to shake off in this crucial 5th frame of man versus himself snooker. Commentator 2 has some harsh truths to speak about the whole enterprise, which perhaps shake the rest of the Me crew to their core, because it's one of the shoddiest games of snooker with the worst possible commentaries you can imagine. But there are some of your questions answered at the start and an earth shattering (and genuinely unscheduled) phone call at the end, so I think it's worth listening to. Some Me snooker records are smashed to pieces and some hubris dished out and whispers of match fixing are bound to follow. A carelessly placed box of Hitler Moustache DVDs might have swung the whole game whilst the players show their true petulant and self-satisfied selves. Might this particularly poor podcast spell the end for this Icarus-like project (both in its vaunting ambition and its inevitable folly) and why am I suddenly getting so eloquent now the bloody thing is over? Maybe the whole project is about waiting for the idiots to get bored so I can reveal the true reason for doing this. Maybe there is gold hidden amongst the dung. The only way to find out is to gamble 40 minutes of your life to find out.
- Published: 11th January 2012
- Length: 39 mins
- Size: 36.31mb