Me1 vs Me2 Snooker with Richard Herring: Frame 38
Frame 38 - Scotch - Me1 and Me2 and the team have headed north for the fledgling Edinburgh Festival of Sport and are playing for the Scotch Cup (the result also counts in their ongoing never-ending battle). And for the first time ever hoards of Me1 and Me2 fans have been allowed into the arena to see how the podcast is put together and to witness how accurately Commentator 1 (and to a lesser extent Commentator 2) describe the physical events through the medium of words. These lucky few, who will be able to tell their grandchildren they were there when the popular pastime of watching self-playing sport was invented, get to see what the players and the referee look like (though not the commentators who stayed safe in their commentary box) and to see their very different style of play. The players however were slightly flummoxed, mainly due to the fact that Scottish snooker boards have much smaller pockets and seemingly some kind of magnetic field running beneath them, but also because the crowd openly derided their play by laughing at almost their every move. This is a serious sporting contest and in future (if we ever do this again) it would be as well to remember to show these sporting professionals the respect they deserve.
If anyone wants to buy the excellent snooker board that was used in this frame (worth £200) signed by all the players and commentators (you must also pick up the board or arrange for delivery) then please email Richard at herring1967@gmail.com with your offer. Highest bidder gets it. All your money will go to Scope (as do the profits - if any - of tonight's frame).
- Published: 13th August 2013
- Length: 43 mins
- Size: 39.58mb