Me1 vs Me2 Snooker with Richard Herring: Frame 29
Frame 29 - What happened next? You thought it was over? You fools. This will never be over. Not til every last one of you has given up. And even then it will continue, unobserved, unlistened to, even after I am dead, in another astral plane the sound of snooker balls clanking together will go on for infinity, like a roulette wheel that will never stop. It's back (almost) to basics for the show that jumped the shark even before it began. One man, pretending to be two men, playing against each other at snooker and another two men commentating on it whilst another man acts as referee, whilst another man flies through space in a prism prison plotting his revenge. It's the classic story and we've seen it a thousand times before in movies, TV and the theatre, but it bears repetition. The cats are back but they save their ball juggling antics for after the action is over, but still have an important part to play in the match and in what is surely Commentator 2's finest 180 seconds. You know you can't resist it. The snooker is good in this one. A record is broken. Keep the faith. It'll get funny again in about another 36 frames.
- Published: 22nd February 2013
- Length: 28 mins
- Size: 26.11mb