Richard Herring's Meaning Of Life: Episode 3 - Love
RHMOL #3: Love. The third episode of Richard Herring's Meaning Of Life marks a huge turning point for the production - as we finally get the smoke machine working.
Once the smoke has cleared, Rich explores love from all angles. He explains about the love of a stalker, the acts of famous lovers from history, and we also hear the anecdote to love - Rich's anti-love public holiday St Skeletors Day.
After listening to this episode you'll understand the potential pitfalls of using Olivio spread, buying wedding rings, and making a Ferrero Rocher based romantic gesture.
The expert for this episode is Agony Aunt Virginia Ironside, who helps Rich better understand matters of the heart - things go so well that they end up sharing a cab home at the end of the night.
In the long, subscribers only, version of the show we also hear the full version of the interview with Virginia and hear about Rich's love of Jennie Agutter and his dry cleaners. You can subscribe to the full-length show with the whole interview and lots more stand-up at gofasterstripe.com/rhmol (available in audio only for £6 or audio and video in SD and HD for £15).
Or support this project with a one-off or monthly donation in return for a badge on the same page. All the money will go towards making more internet content (including hopefully a monthly video version of AIOTM).
Monthly subscribers will also have access to another channel with extra and exclusive content.
- Published: 23rd June 2014
- Length: 45 mins
- Size: 81.8mb