RHLSTP with Richard Herring: RHLSTP Special - The Goodies
RHLSTP Special The Goodies - War With Babies. Rich is at the Bristol Slapstick Festival and almost bursting with excitement to meet and chat with his childhood and adulthood heroes, Graeme Garden, Bill Oddie and Tim Brooke-Taylor, aka The Goodies. They chat about the origins of the team and the cartoons and slapstick stars that influenced them, how the special effects still stand up today, why they left the BBC and whether they resent the fact they've never been repeated, the kitten, the gibbon, the music and the stunt man that they shared with a legend. It's beautiful to see the boys back together and to see how quickly they slip back into the old triple act and for them to get the ovation that they deserve.
- Published: 6th March 2019
- Length: 58 mins