RHLSTP with Richard Herring: RHLSTP 74 - Rob Delaney and Sharon Horgan
RHLSTP #74. Richard has broken his mirror, but wondering if that gives him 7 years bad luck or frees him from the ghosts of the past. His guests are the non British writers and stars of Britain's most exciting sitcom this decade, Rob Delaney and Sharon Horgan. Does their onscreen sexual chemistry spill over into real life, even when Rob's genitals are in a bag? Does a filling make you a robot? How exactly do you kill a turkey? Is there a wrong way to try and get Mark Lamarr's attention in a bong shop? Is it better having a baby in America or the UK? And what things would our guests never tell their mother?
- Published: 20th August 2015
- Length: 76 mins
- Size: 105.5mb