RHLSTP with Richard Herring: RHLSTP 36 - Helen and Olly
RHLSTP #36: Helen and Olly from Answer Me This! - Okapi Sandwich. Richard is bristling from more anarchic behaviour in the swimming pool and pitching ideas for Dragon's Den. His guests are Helen Zaltzman and Olly Mann from rival Sony Gold and Silver (but crucially not bronze) winning podcast Answer Me This!. They seem to hold some kind of grudge for Richard having made them his enemies in the old Collings and Herrin podcasts, but as Richard was under the thrall of his Herrin character he can't really remember anything about that. Anyway, it's an old-fashioned podclash! The conversation scales the heady heights of time-travelling genitalia, British Forces Broadcasting and how to get sacked from the Lorraine show. Is semen a powerful cologne? What happens if you fall in love with someone in an oil painting? Has Helen married a ghost? Will Richard be bummed to death by the end of the show and how would Olly's bumming sushi carousel work in practice?
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- Published: 14th March 2014
- Length: 78 mins
- Size: 107.59mb