Richard Herring's Edinburgh Fringe Podcast: 2012 #12: Brendon Burns and Grainne Maguire
2012 #12: F*ck C*nt F*ck - Brendon Burns and Grainne Maguire. Having conquered the world with his 'Who remembers Pacers and Clive Doig?' routines, Rich tries to emulate Michael 'Man Drawer' McIntyre with his new 'lost sunglasses are always found when you buy new sunglasses' bit. But perhaps he feels the need to fill a bit, in case his guest Brendon Burns has fallen asleep again. Fortunately Burns is awake and has much to say, allowing Rich to use the podcast as an excuse to catch 40 winks himself. There's stuff about Mick Foley, drug addiction, offensiveness in comedy and how comedy persona can override personality and, the truth about why Brendon did not last on I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. Plus Rich pitches a Freaky Friday swap to the 16 year-old lad in the front row. With stand-up from Grainne Maguire.
- Published: 15th August 2012
- Length: 60 mins
- Size: 54.96mb