Richard Herring's Edinburgh Fringe Podcast: 2011 #20: Omid Djalili and Jen Brister
Rich is a bit groggy after pretending to be Paul Weller at Karaoke Circus last night, but he's excited about having seen Pete Hornberger from 30 Rock in the street, even though he has a real life movie star as his guest today. Omid Djalili has stories of experimental theatre in the Czech Republic, possibly killing Oliver Reed and maybe breaking up Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. Rich looks back to a pivotal career moment in the Fringe of 2007, whilst Omid recounts the antics of towel thief Andre Vincent and the comedy awards announcement is made during the show, so there's time to chat about Richard's repeated failure to be nominated for anything. With stand-up from the wonderful Jen Brister and the last chance to win a wine voucher from www.nakedwines.com
- Published: 24th August 2011
- Length: 59 mins
- Size: 53.95mb