Pappy's Flatshare Slamdown: Series 8, Episode 7 (Change The Fuse)
Rachel Parris and Sean McLoughlin are the houseguests for a return to the LaughOutLondon Festival featuring Tom almost asphyxiating himself beatboxing, Sean getting very angry about Money and Minerals, Rachel delivering the most impressive Beef Brothers sneeze-based prosecution ever, Matthew calling an audience member a 'bit of a piece' and Ben failing to clear a very, very, very low bar when it comes to explaining why he can't do the chore.
We are eternally grateful to all the #flatslammers who have donated some cold hard cash towards the series. If you'd like to join them you can do so by clicking on DONATE. But don't worry if you can't! You can very much support the show by spreading the good news about Flatshare Slamdown far and wide. Thanks!
- Published: 19th November 2018
- Length: 57 mins
- Size: 78.8mb