Pappy's Flatshare Slamdown: Series 4, Episode 1 (Tent)
Joe Lycett and Mike Wozniak join Pappy's for the first episode of the new series! It's a camping special recorded at the wonderful Machynlleth Comedy Festival in May 2013 and, as you'd expect, it features Wham, spelling and horses. In it - in amongst the usual mix of puns, jingles and games - you'll find Mike leaping to the defence of a cat, Joe demonstrating his knowledge of fish, Ben flirting badly, Tom not knowing whether to be offended or pleased and Matthew failing to ever pronounce Machynlleth correctly.
The show's artwork was done by illustrator James Walmesley - and bloody brilliant it is too. You can find out more about his work here or by following him on Twitter at @RteeFufkin
If you want to be absolute ledges, then please help us spread the word about this new series: tweet about it, enthuse on Facebook, comment on iTunes or just walk up to strangers in the street and deliver them a lecture about its merits.
Please do also 'like' our Facebook page, follow Pappy's and Producer Ben on Twitter and visit Pappy's Tumblr. Also, do check out Pappy's excellent new BBC3 sitcom Badults.
- Published: 25th July 2013
- Length: 44 mins
- Size: 60.47mb