British Comedy Guide
Do The Right Thing. Image shows from L to R: Michael Legge, Danielle Ward, Margaret Cabourn-Smith

Do The Right Thing: Series 7, Episode 10 (Bethany Black & David Reed)

Bethany Black and David Reed join the gang in glorious York for the first ever recording outside London or Edinburgh (yes, we know you've already heard the Birmingham recording, but that was recorded three days after this one). Anyway, the subjects covered include jellyfish stings, interrogation techniques, whether honesty is the best policy when it comes to unexpected windfalls, two cracking audience Agony problems (how to own up to your wife that you're living a brilliant lie & how to upgrade the elderly volunteers in a charity shop) and then a fascinating hike through vikings with expert guest Chris Tuckley (on loan from the Jorvik Centre).

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  • Published: 8th October 2019
  • Length: 62 mins

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