British Comedy Guide
Collings & Herrin. Image shows from L to R: Andrew Collins, Richard Herring

Collings & Herrin: Podcast 136

A surprise, unbilled, bonus, you-lucky-people podcast 136, recorded once again in the soundproof booth at 6 Music, once again with the red light on the wall mysteriously coming on halfway through. It's a funny one, and not necessarily in the ha-ha sense of the word. Andrew is in a very grouchy mood, and nothing Richard can do - call him an idiot, mock him, belittle him, argue with him, berate him for liking Stewart Lee - will lift his gloomy cloud. Except for one thing, which Richard does right at the end, and is alluded to in this picture. You'll just have to listen to the hour and ten minute that precede it, to really appreciate the shift in tone. That means stuff about Michael Gove, Raoul Moat, Jonathan Franzen, Stewart Lee, the horrible smell at Victoria Station and the strange goings-on at 6 Music, which have yet to be resolved. Oh, and Richard's got a DVD out. Go to Go Faster Stripe to get the best deal. It's got a misplaced apostrophe on the box: can you find it?

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  • Published: 3rd October 2010
  • Length: 72 mins
  • Size: 66.2mb

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