Collings & Herrin: Podcast 105
Yes, we recorded an extra Collings & Herrin Podcast last Tuesday, because we love you. And we can't remember what we talked about on it. So it will be very exciting, for both you and us. Just listen to it. It's designed to tide the nerd army over while Richard is selfishly on tour.
It's non-topical, it's based upon subject ideas suggested via the magic medium of Twitter, one of which was definitely about how we'd cope in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and it's sponsored by The Smoking Rolo Sideshow, whose new album is called Rocket Silence. Find out more about them here. Oh, and the photo of the smiling dog came to our attention while recording it.
- Published: 30th March 2010
- Length: 66 mins
- Size: 60.9mb