British Comedy Guide
As It Occurs To Me. Richard Herring

As It Occurs To Me: 2010 Specials - Stand-Up Extra

SURPRISE! No AIOTM (AIOTM) this week, but in its place we've giving you Richard's exclusive and largely improvised secret stand-up set from the recording of Autumn Special 2. Every week at the live recordings there is a 40 minute stand-up set that you won't (usually) get to hear on the podcast. In this podcast you will hear for the first time ever, the full letter that Richard sent to the Vatican when he applied to be Pope, plus his teenage poem about Mrs Turner and a story of how he became a victim of a mild gypsy curse. Anglo-German relations also receive a severe blow and we find out how David Hasselhoff was almost disfigured in 1989. Plus there's some material about Alan Sugar that got dropped from the main show and then went annoyingly well and made Rich wish he'd left it in. Hope you enjoy it and we'll be back with the final show of the year (and maybe ever) next week.

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  • Published: 25th October 2010
  • Length: 42 mins
  • Size: 38.7mb

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