Press clippings Page 8
Why I'm Quitting Comedy Competitions, by Tom Ward
I've seen Tom Ward in three comedy competition finals over the last year - the NATYS, the BBC Radio New Comedy Awards final and most recently the Piccadillly Comedy Club New Comedian of the Year. He has always stood out to me as one to watch and I've been amazed that he has not won any of them. Last week Ward posted a message on Facebook saying that he would no longer be taking part in competitions. I was surprised by this decision as they are traditionally a great way for a comedian to get noticed by the industry. Heck, even Daniel Kitson did talent competitions when he was starting out. Though, notably he didn't win one. Anyway, I asked Tom Ward to write this piece to explain why he had taken this decision. Here is his response.
Tom Ward, Beyond The Joke, 14th January 2015Piccadilly Comedy Club New Comedian Of 2015 review
Amir Khoshsokhan won. Also featured were Magnus Turner MP, Russ Peers, Laura McClenaghen, Edd Hedges, Archie Maddox, Tom Ward and Ben Clover.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 3rd January 2015Tom Stade's guide to stand-up
The Canadian comedian shares his advice for standing out at the Edinburgh Festival.
Tom Ward, Esquire, 7th August 2014Thomas Ward is the voice in your head
Thomas 'Tom' Ward on starting out in the biz...
Andrew Mickel, Such Small Portions, 27th January 2014