Tom King
- Actor and improviser
Video clips
Prequel, Sequel, Requel - Home Alone 1 & 2
Have you ever wondered what a Home Alone 3 with the original cast would have been like? Well wonder no more as we make it happen!
Prequel, Sequel, Requel - Waterworld
Kevin Costner is back and up to his gills in trouble. We look at the over budget movie that sunk without a trace!
Prequel, Sequel, Requel - The Shining
Here's Jonny! This horror episode takes on Jack and his axe! Not for the faint hearted.
Prequel, Sequel, Requel - Frozen
You won't forget about this in a hurry! The classic John Hughes film is next on our list.
Prequel, Sequel, Requel - The Breakfast Club
You won't forget about this in a hurry! The classic John Hughes film is next on our list.
Prequel, Sequel, Requel - Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
Why a spoon cousin? That's right - it's time to welcome the geographically daft version of the Sherwood outlaw!