Tamsin Greig
- 58 years old
- English
- Actor
Video clips
The Graham Norton Show - Orlando Bloom saves a fly
We'll just never know what Stephen Merchant thinks about Lord Of The Rings...
Episodes - Taking a wild boar to the vet
Having accidentally shot a wild boar, Sean and Beverley plead with Matt to take it to the local vet.
Friday Night Dinner - Series 5 extended trailer
A new series of Friday Night Dinner starts Friday 4th May on Channel 4.
Episodes - Shooting practice
After a brief morning's writing session at the ranch, Matt invites Sean and Beverley to blow off some steam with a bit of shooting practice.
Episodes - $1.2 million for one day's work
Matt's agent tries to tempt him into a lucrative deal modelling vests, before he bumps into his former co-star Morning.
Friday Night Dinner - Series 5 trailer
In Series 5 Mum and Dad get a hot tub, much to the horror of Adam and Jonny; Adam accidentally sets his car on fire; Jonny won't stop prank-calling Adam; Dad becomes obsessed with his old, terrifying ventriloquist dummy; Mum organises her own, terrible surprise party; Jim goes on a date from beyond hell; Horrible Grandma comes back for more horribleness - and the family have dinner.