Press clippings Page 10
12 comedians pick their favourite bad movies
As Glasgow Comedy Festival celebrates the awful glory that is Highlander 2 and Reefer Madness, we dug a little deeper into this treasure chest of terrible.
Brian Donaldson, The List, 15th February 20172017: The comedians to watch
To mark the new year, we asked several comedy club promoters around the country for their tips of comedians to watch in 2017 - the stand-ups they expect to break through to the next level of success. Here is their top ten (plus a few more for good measure)
Chortle, 30th December 2016The Susie McCabe three minute interview
According to her Facebook page, Susie McCabe has spent many years smoking fags, playing Xbox and having enthusiastic banter with people from all walks of life. Of-course she is a stand-up comedian, what else could she be? Martin Walker asks about her Edinburgh Fringe show, Tourist Misinformation.
Martin Walker, Broadway Baby, 11th June 2014