Simon Brodkin was best known as his comedy character Lee Nelson, before handing Teresa May a P45, throwing money at Sepp Blatter, and invading Kanye's headline spot at Glastonbury. This...
Comedian, former street-performer and popular podcast host, Stu Goldsmith is a charming but tortur- Oh god I can't fake this, it's me isn't it? It's bloody ME! Your fearless interviewer...
Your interviewer didn't really grasp the American term to 'murder' a room, until he caught Sam Jay's set at SXSW Comedy earlier this year, in which she smashed the audience...
Present at the opening night of the London Comedy Store, Nick Revell has been performing satirical, political and absurd stand-up for four decades. After a ten year break to write...
Almost certainly the comedian with the most online content in the world, Paul Smith has uploaded over 1000 short clips of his crowdwork at Liverpool's Hot Water Comedy Club, and...
A multi-media artist, fascinated with language, rhythm, and combining jokes with drawing, Markus Birdman also isn't above a dick joke. Aiming for 'high octane and no gaps', with routines composed...