Artist, comedian, provocateur and cleaner, Kim Noble is far more concerned with pursuing his artistic instinct than the trappings of success. From sneaking into B&Q dressed as staff (engaging with...
Heavy-hitter Erin Foley is a sensational comic with a way of making even the gentlest observations into flint-hard punchlines. We discuss her "terrifying but wonderful" start in stand-up, and how...
One of the first guests on ComCom about 8 years ago, Paul Sinha has had a rollercoaster of a life in the interim. From fringe comedian to celebrity quizzer as...
"Hello babies, welcome to Gary Gulman..." A comedian's comedian in the truest sense, we discuss the making of Gary's stand-up special/documentary The Great Depresh, charting a mental health journey via...
Larry Dean is a phenomenal comic who doesn't coast on his brilliant physicality, but writes hard and really gets to the kernel of what's funny about his life. We talk...