One of the first guests on ComCom about 8 years ago, Paul Sinha has had a rollercoaster of a life in the interim. From fringe comedian to celebrity quizzer as...
"Hello babies, welcome to Gary Gulman..." A comedian's comedian in the truest sense, we discuss the making of Gary's stand-up special/documentary The Great Depresh, charting a mental health journey via...
Larry Dean is a phenomenal comic who doesn't coast on his brilliant physicality, but writes hard and really gets to the kernel of what's funny about his life. We talk...
Stand-up comic and award-nominated playwright Archie Maddocks loves stitching together routines about kebab shops and his "rough-arse" schooling, with pathos and evocative prose. We talk about writing for the comedy...
Lean as hell and twice as productive, Nigel Ng is coming to shame your work ethic with his radical efficiency! This hilarious UK-based Malaysian comic lets us in on how...
Catherine Cohen took home Best Newcomer at the Edinburgh Fringe last year, with a jaw-dropping show bursting with wit, originality and layer upon layer of irony. Her angle of attack,...