Steve Bennett (I)
- Journalist and reviewer
Press clippings Page 9
The Completely Made-Up Adventures Of Dick Turpin review
Dick Turpin's gone woke! He's now a non-violent vegan who prefers knitting to armed robbery, shuns toxic masculinity, and embraces diversity in his gang of previously ruthless outlaws.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 1st March 2024Count Arthur Strong: And It's Goodnight From Him review
We're going to see a lot of befuddled old men muddling their words in this US Presidential election year - so thank heavens for confusion that's funny, rather than terrifying.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 21st February 2024Komedia New Comedy Award 2024 review
I'd wager the judges' scores must have been pretty tight at the final of Komedia's New Comedy Award. I know mine were, with little separating a talented bunch, none of whom crashed and burned under the pressure of the occasion.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 16th February 2024Romesh Ranganathan review
Curmudgeonly but sympathetic, Ranganathan reels off anecdote after anecdote that showcase a grumpiness which many people demonstrably identify with. It's not genre-defining stand-up for the ages, occasionally nudging towards generic wisdom, but wholly entertaining, seasoned with more personal vulnerabilities, and delivered with ease and no-frills charm.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 13th February 2024Frank Skinner: 30 Years Of Dirt review
To deploy the cliché 'he makes it look effortless' can't do justice to how instinctive the mechanics of stand-up are to Frank Skinner.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 7th February 2024Jonathan Pie: Heroes And Villains review
You can't fault the sheer amount of effort and energy he puts into his superpowered performance.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 2nd February 2024Drop The Dead Donkey: The Reawakening review
There's more to Drop The Dead Donkey: The Reawakening than simple nostalgia that should offer an appeal beyond the TV show's existing fan base.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 31st January 2024Chris McCausland: Yonks! review
The wheel may remain resolutely unreinvented in Chris McCausland's new tour, but he uses it to cement his reputation as a skilled practitioner of relatable everyman comedy.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 29th January 2024Miles Jupp: On I Bang review
Review of the comedian's show about dealing with a brain tumour.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 22nd January 2024Matthew Hayhurst: Retirement Show review
Save some convoluted premise setting the events in purgatory, this is a chronological run-through of the fictional - and very unlikely-sounding - 126-year comedy career of Matthew Hayhurst.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 22nd January 2024