Steve Bennett (I)
- Journalist and reviewer
Press clippings Page 87
Eat Your Heart Out With Nick Helm preview
It's engaging, without being compelling, but surely able to stand the multiple repeats a Dave programme needs. For if there's one thing TV has shown us, viewers can't get enough of cookery shows.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 24th August 2017Bobby & Harriet Get Married review
The show's often very amusing, but more than that, we're invested in how the pair get on.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 3rd August 2017The Mash Report review
After so many false dawns, it seems like the BBC finally be a successful home-grown take on the format.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 20th July 2017Aisling Bea at Latitude review
We don't see much of Aisling Be on the live circuit these days, even though it seems she's rarely off the telly
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 17th July 2017Katherine Ryan at Latitude 2017 review
The phenomenon of YouTubers has proved that authenticity of personality is the key to fame today. That, too, is the secret of Katherine Ryan's success.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 17th July 2017Barry Crimmins at Latitude 2017 review
Glastonbury had Jeremy Corbyn, but here Latitude got its own grey-bearded old socialist rousing the faithful.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 16th July 2017Reginald D Hunter at Latitude 2017 review
Reginald D Hunter takes to the Latitude stage in a wheelchair, having broken his leg last month, though he keeps coy as to why.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 16th July 2017Simon Amstell: What Is This? at Latitude 2017 review
Simon Amstell's stand-up has been built on his insecurities and his misery... but his new tour show, being previewed at Latitude, comes five years into a contented relationship. What's so funny about that?
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 16th July 2017Andy Parsons at Latitude 2017 review
His half-hour set at the Latitude festival was as much stand-up opinion as stand-up comedy, as he shared the benefit of his wisdom on such topics as NHS privatisation, HS2 and Theresa May's plans for more grammar schools.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 16th July 2017Lolly Adefope at Latitude 2017
She'd make a hugely effective diversity trainer herself, should the hilarious, perfectly-observed, offbeat and socially-aware character comedy not work out for her. But judging from the reaction of Latitude, it will.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 16th July 2017