Steve Bennett (I)
- Journalist and reviewer
Press clippings Page 86
Porters: preview
Dave has only dipped its toe in the water with a commission of three episodes, but the results from this test are back - and the prognosis for Porters is definitely good.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 20th September 2017W1A series three preview
There are moments in W1A that are almost too agonising to watch. The circuitous meetings of the BBC's directionless yet ironically named Way Ahead group so accurately replicate the prevarications of real corporate life that you can feel the knuckle-gnawing frustration from your own sofa.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 18th September 2017Static with Rob Beckett preview
In the end, the personalities win over the script's shortcomings and Static settles into the bland but likeable. Is that enough? Or will Static be going nowhere?
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 15th September 2017Nathan Caton: The Pursuit Of Happiness review
Had he been a decade older, Nathan Caton's lot at this stage in his career would probably have been to be a decent circuit comic, with a dependable 20 minutes and a full diary.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 15th September 2017Greenwich Comedy Festival gig review
Review of four comedians performing at the Greenwich Comedy Festival.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 14th September 2017Mister Winner review
Mister Winner is sweet enough - especially had it gone out in an early evening slot - even if its jokes are sometimes obvious.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 9th September 2017Back: TV preview
Back is not Peep Show: The Next Generation. But it also sort of is, inescapably.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 6th September 2017Book review: James Acaster's Classic Scrapes
The cover line of James Acaster's collection of autobiographical stories says it all: 'Too err is human; to err enough to fill a book isn't.'
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 5th September 2017The Awkward Silence: The Bastard King review
Something like a two-man Game of Thrones - but with a toad king in place of dragons - The Bastard King is an historical epic about various factions battling for the right to rule the fictional realm of Etherium.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 5th September 2017Tim Vine Travels In Time preview
The most obvious bit of time travelling that Tim Vine has achieved with this pilot is to propel it about six hours ahead of where it should be in the schedules. For there's no denying that with its cheap sets and cheesy jokes this has the feel of a kids' show, out of place in a 10.35pm slot.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 1st September 2017