British Comedy Guide

Steve Bennett (I)

  • Journalist and reviewer

Press clippings Page 73

Review: Stanley - A Man Of Variety

Deliberately disconcerting, Stanley - Man Of Variety is also frustrating and unsatisfying, each scene a curious little sketch on its own, but amounting to very little.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 15th June 2018

Matt Berry Interviews... review

The first episode of Matt Berry Interviews... draws on a 1974 chat with spoon-bender Uri Geller - "quite the Bojangles"

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 13th June 2018

Flowers series 2 preview

It is certainly a one-of-a-kind programme that will stay with you.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 11th June 2018

Doug Stanhope at Brixton Academy review

The easily offended should, of course, stay away, as Stanhope is a one-man trigger warning.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 8th June 2018

Review: Phil Ellis is Trying

The general fashion is for comedies to be about some underlying theme, or offering some insightful personal perspective. But if you know Phil Ellis from his stand-up, you won't be surprised that his first Radio 4 sitcom is an unabashedly old-fashioned gag delivery service.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 5th June 2018

Sunday Service With Ola - review

As befitting its title, Ola's Sunday Service appropriates the trappings of a religious ceremony, not least the order of service handed out to the 'congregation' which breaks the show down into sessions such as 'prayer box' and 'closing hymn'.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 5th June 2018

Old Comedian Of The Year 2018 review

Are the old ones the best? That's what Leicester Square Theatre's Old Comedian Of The Year competition aims to find out... even if 35, the minimum age for entrants (the same age as Nicki Minaj, btw), might hardly be considered past it. Certainly 84-year-old compere Lynn Ruth Miller poured scorn on some contestants' idea of being old, as she hosted the 3pm gig with a mix of dottiness and laments over her ailing sex life.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 4th June 2018

The Maydays: The Fringe Show review

One thing we learn from The Maydays take on the Brighton Fringe programme is just how turgid and pretentious some of the shows on offer sound, just from their own descriptions. Thankfully, though, we don't have to endure the less promising fare first-hand, for this cheery improv troupe offer bite-sized comedy versions that probably bear no relation to the real thing.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 4th June 2018

The DredgeLand Podcast Spectacular review

John Dredge and Andy Harland are clearly steeped in radio comedy history, with their quirky DredgeLand Podcast Spectacular having loud echoes of many great shows of the past.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 2nd June 2018

Vladimir McTavish: 25 Years of Stand-Up review

The tone is amiable, the hour lightly amusing, but it does not feel like the apex of a 25-year career.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 1st June 2018

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