Steve Bennett (I)
- Journalist and reviewer
Press clippings Page 59
Review: The Mind Of Herbert Clunkerdunk
Amid the trend for meaningful, realistic comedies such as Fleabag, how refreshing it is to have The Mind Of Herbert Clunkerdunk back for a full(ish) series of unadulterated, visually stunning stupidity following a successful pilot last year.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 3rd August 2019Tony Hawks: The A-Z Of Skateboarding review
The contents of this book don't really matter too much as its very existence is the gag.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 26th July 2019Review: Milton Jones at Latitude 2019
Milton Jones emerges on to the Latitude stage with his hair as wild as always and smoke billowing behind him. He looks - and acts - like a mad scientist time traveller dumped in the middle of a Suffolk field, bewildered as to how he got here... an impression he maintains for his 45 minutes on stage.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 22nd July 2019Review: Tez Ilyas at Latitude
Maybe he's practising impartiality to keep Ofcom at bay before his Channel 4 satirical show begins this week - but during his Latitude set Tez Ilyas outlines some good reasons to leave the EU. It's certainly unexpected as you'd peg this liberal British-Pakistani Muslim - and this festival crowd - as Remainer through-and-through.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 22nd July 2019Review: Frank Skinner at Latitude
Frank Skinner is amused to find himself playing a music festival at 62, likening his longevity to 'seeing a wasp in November'.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 22nd July 2019Review: Muzlamic
Aatif Nawaz and Ali Shahalom's offering doesn't shake the perennial sketch show curse of being 'a bit hit and miss', but it has a lively energy and some strong ideas.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 22nd July 2019Review: Jason Manford at Latitude 2019
Whatever can be said about Jason Manford in a review can never match the devastating critique meted out by his own daughter through desperate tears after being punished for a tantrum. I can't repeat it, as it was the punchline to his entire Latitude set, but it's hilarious and heartbreaking in equal measure.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 21st July 2019Review: Mark Watson at Latitude 2019
Mark Watson is surely a Latitude kind of comedian, with a big overlap between his fan base and the sort of liberal, curious, middle-class people who come to a festival like this.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 21st July 2019Review: Nick Helm at Latitude 2019
Nick Helm offers a disclaimer at the start of his Latitude set: he hasn't gigged in 18 months and hasn't done a proper Edinburgh Fringe show in six years... though that will change in ten days, when this year's festival kicks off.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 21st July 2019Review: Kae Kurd at Latitude
As a childhood Kurdish refugee to Britain, and the son of an Iraqi freedom fighter who took on Saddam Hussein, Kae Kurd has a unique story to tell and an unusual point of view.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 21st July 2019