Steve Bennett (I)
- Journalist and reviewer
Press clippings Page 40
PRU review
Is it ironic to wish PRU, the BBC's new comedy about teenagers excluded from mainstream education, would calm down and show a little more discipline?
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 2nd March 2021Review: Stand Up And Deliver
The news that celebrities would be trying their hand at stand-up on TV was initially greeted with rumblings of discontent among some comedians. Why should these famous amateurs be given air time when established practitioners can barely work, was their understandable complaint.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 25th February 2021Dating No Filter review
The most surprising moment? The revelation that Joel Dommett employs a professional company to come round to his house to clean his trainers. Who says fame's changed him?
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 25th February 2021The Stand Up And Deliver sets reviewed (spoilers)
Spoiler alert: This is a review of the final stand-up performances of the celebrities taking part in Channel 4's Stand Up And Deliver. While we won't reveal who won the audience vote on the night, it might spoil the surprise to learn how they performed. The episode showing sets is on All4 now and will air next Thursday, March 4, on Channel 4.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 25th February 2021Review: He Used Thought As A Wife by Tim Key
You never forget your first lockdown. However much you might want to. However, Tim Key's new anthology of poems and conversations cuts through any understandable weariness about having these unusual times reflected directly back at us, as it captures the weirdest early months of the 'pando' in Key's perfectly idiosyncratic way.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 17th February 2021How Andy Zaltzman has revitalised The News Quiz
The comic has brought a quirky sense of verve and fun.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 8th February 2021Review - How Did The Gig Go?
Review of a choose-your-own adventure book by comedian Dave Longley.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 3rd February 2021Mel Giedroyc: Unforgivable review
In Unforgivable, Mel Giedroyc's been saddled a format that she doesn't even have much confidence in, the needlessly complex negative scoring, unnecessary gong, and convoluted rounds becoming a running joke even from episode one. But ignore all that hoo-ha and this is essentially a chat show stripped back to the good bits. Guests can forget plugging the latest project or telling us what a delight their co-stars were. Just tell the entertaining and embarrassing stories from your past.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 2nd February 2021Dead Pixels series 2 review
Setting a sitcom in the world of gaming is not the most obvious move: your target audience might find it hard to put down the controller long enough to watch, while the premise is likely to alienate those who wouldn't know their Overwatch from their Runescape.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 26th January 2021Back series two review
To judge the new series of Back on the strength of its first episode would be like ruling on a movie on the first 20 minutes. For while the show is certainly funny, the main aim of creator Simon Blackwell is to set the wheels in motion for a captivating psychodrama that will play out over the following five weeks.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 21st January 2021