Steve Bennett (I)
- Journalist and reviewer
Press clippings Page 37
Inside No 9: Last Night Of The Proms review
This series of Inside No 9 ends with probably its weakest link, even though it's always fascinating to see what Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith come up with.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 14th June 2021Stewart Lee: Unreliable Narrator review
To research this Radio 4 essay about the role of the unreliable narrator, Stewart Lee spent almost three weeks with the Inrravat people of northern Canada, who believe in a trickster god whose stories cannot be trusted. What did he learn about this ancient culture? Well, almost nothing in a literal sense as all their stories - as you might expect - are based on lies and exaggeration.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 13th June 2021Brighton Fringe review - Fella: Give Me Some Credit
By rights, her show - performed in front of just five people at the Brighton Fringe - ought to be an embarrassment. But Fella has such an infectious joie de vivre, fully embracing the giddy jubilation of being on stage even in front of such a tiny crowd, that she transcends the dumb material she so enthusiastically peddles. She's living proof of the power of energy, enthusiasm and charisma in comedy: when it's a genuine as this, it's easy to get swept up in the preposterous moment.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 7th June 2021Brighton Fringe review - Pete Wells Does Not Exist
It has been a while since anyone was consistently on stage, so we can perhaps forgive some lack of fluidity, but Pete Wells' take on big tech is, to use the language of his subject, very buggy.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 7th June 2021Inside No 9: Hurry Up And Wait review
This week's episode of Inside No 9 hit that sweet spot between spookiness and humour that Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton are so good at finding. And a large part of that is down to the very game guest stars, playing against type.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 31st May 2021Brighton Fringe review: The Preacher, by Anthony Noack
It sounds like the sort of thing a trendy RE teacher would come up with. 'You like stand-up? Well you know who else was a bit like a stand-up comedian? Jesus...' In The Preacher, which is being presented as part of the Brighton Fringe, Anthony Noack performs the Book of Ecclesiastes as if it were a comedy gig.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 28th May 2021Jessie Cave: Sunrise - Soho Theatre On Demand review
I hope this isn't a sign of how slowly we're opening up. Earlier this month, Simon Bird released a stand-up special recorded in an empty theatre, yesterday Jessie Cave released hers, filmed in front of an audience of one: her sister, Bebe.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 28th May 2021Inside No. 9: Lip Service review
One of the more subdued entries in the Inside No 9 canon, Lip Service takes place in a gloomy and uninviting hotel room where Felix, a sad data entry manager, is holed up.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 24th May 2021We Are Lady Parts preview
Review of Channel 4's new comedy about an all-Muslim female punk band.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 20th May 2021Girl Stuck In Basketball Hoop review
Comedians have been finding all sorts of alternative lines of work as the pandemic ravages their usual livelihoods. For Ian Smith, investigative documentary-making has floated his boat - 'I'm cruising for a Louis Therouxing' in his own, typically witty, wordplay.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 18th May 2021