British Comedy Guide

Steve Bennett (I)

  • Journalist and reviewer

Press clippings Page 109

Review - Eddie Izzard: Force Majeure Reloaded

Travel broadens the mind, so they say, but Eddie Izzard's centuries-spanning breadth of subject matter was already impressive, even before speeding his Force Majeure tour through 28 countries.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 22nd January 2016

Morgan & West: Parlour Tricks

Their maths addiction reaches an apex when West's astounds with his mental gymnastics on a randomly-generated 40-digit number he commits to memory. This is the one time we do need some modern technology to check that the complex arithmetic is correct. And it's an impressive feat of brainpower when it is revealed to be so.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 21st January 2016

Review: Comic Strip Presents... Red Top

Collusions between the top echelons of media and politics exposed by the phone-hacking scandal prove a treasure trove of inspiration for Comic Strip guru Peter Richardson.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 20th January 2016

Review: Backyard Comedy Club

It may have been two and half years since Lee Hurst reopened his Backyard Club in Bethnal Green, but it still lays claim to being London's newest purpose-built comedy venue. And nicely done it is, too, with an unfussy but effective room separate from its main bar.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 18th January 2016

James Haslam: Life In A Goldfish Bowl review

Life In A Goldfish Bowl is an odd choice of title for cabaret performer James Haslam's solo show. It suggests he's the victim of unwanted public attention - but the tone of the show screams: 'Look at me!' And it screams it pretty camply, too.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 18th January 2016

Trygve Wakenshaw review

The resurgence of physical comedy was given another boost last August when Trygve Wakenshaw picked up an Edinburgh Comedy Award for this ambitious 90-minute show. Sensibly pared back to a tighter 75, it now arrives at Soho Theatre for a run as part of the London International Mime Festival.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 14th January 2016

Billy Connolly: High Horse

Billy Connolly's far from ready to meet the Big Yin in the sky yet; his powers of comedy are undimmed. His prime is lasting a hell of a long time.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 13th January 2016

Robert Newman: The Brain Show

The Brain Show is not as focussed as you might think, as Robert Newman digresses into his over-empathetic next-door neighbour, the state of bland, generic 'is it me or is everything shit?' stand-up and disparaging comments about David Bowie that deliberately went against the mood of room, and indeed the entire country, causing something of a wobble in the atmosphere.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 12th January 2016

Tracey Ullman's Show review

The BBC were rightly chuffed to have signed Tracey Ullman for her return to the British TV after 30 years: she's a brilliant comic actress, as evidenced in every scene of her her show, and a bona fide international TV star.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 11th January 2016

Dave's Leicester Comedy Festival Preview Show

The most memorable moment of the Leicester Comedy Festival preview show might have been a cock-up, but that doesn't mean the show was a flop.

Steve Bennett, Chortle, 9th January 2016

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