Steve Bennett (I)
- Journalist and reviewer
Press clippings Page 102
Comedy Feeds: Limbo review
The show is stuck in a limbo of its own between these highly exaggerated moments and the realistic style. Add in some underdeveloped characters and it all adds up to rather unsatisfying viewing.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 6th September 2016Motherland preview
Frenetic, stressy and trying to juggle several balls at once... the whole tone of Motherland has a lot of parallels with the chaotic realities of parenthood, which it represents so well.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 6th September 2016A Brief History Of Tim review
A comedy centred around a guy with cerebral palsy... a bit of worthy, inclusive box-ticking from the BBC, making sure disabled people are shown in a positive light? You'd only say that if you don't know Tim Renkow.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 5th September 2016Goodnight Sweetheart preview
Goodnight Sweetheart is often a better concept than its jokes, and is strong on its dramatic elements.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 2nd September 2016Young Hyacinth preview
Routledge herself has been scathing about the project, saying: 'Why are they doing this sort of thing? They must be desperate.' Though with Keeping Up Appearances being the BBC's top export, you can understand the 'why' very easily, even if there's unlikely to be little clamour for this prequel.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 2nd September 2016Our Ex-Wife preview
For a while there was the concept that sitcom characters had to be sympathetic and relatable. Well, that idea's gone out of the window with Our Ex-Wife, a bitterly antagonistic new comedy being piloted as part of the BBC's Landmark Sitcom series.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 1st September 2016Till Death Us Do Part preview
Tightened budgets are cutting deep at the BBC. They can't even afford sets with walls for their season of Lost Sitcoms...
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 1st September 2016Home From Home preview
The latest pilot in the BBC's Landmark Sitcom series, Home From Home is a warm, gentle affair, much down to the likeability of Johnny Vegas as a hapless beta-male, trying his best for his family.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 30th August 2016TV preview: The Coopers vs The Rest
Overall, the confident, funny writing and likeable performances all round make it a pleasure to meet the Coopers. After the travesty of remaking Are You Being Served?, the BBC could have a hit on their hands with this, the first of three pilots getting an airing in its Landmark Sitcom season.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 29th August 2016TV preview: Borderline
Much is made of how Borderline is part-improvised, though it's the result, not the process, that matters, and the subdued tone does mean it's relatively short on laugh-out-loud moments, though there are plenty of droll smiles. And while the characters are engaging, they don't have the strong personalities that would make Borderline an appointment-to-view, though that's always a hard call to make from just one episode before we know them properly.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 2nd August 2016