Press clippings Page 59
Rather than a simple clip show, this is a specially-convened summit between Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie, together on screen for the first time in 15 years. It's hard to make much out over the gales of self-deprecation but, over 90 minutes, the friends discuss their working relationship and history together, vamping on some old themes for the benefit of the camera. Fry is never far from our screens, so the real revelation is Laurie, whose less widely exposed wryness is hilarious. At Cambridge the pair met in Fry's room. "A2," says Laurie, "also the Folkestone road . . ."
John Robinson, The Guardian, 24th November 2010Since Fry and Laurie last shared the screen 15 years ago, Stephen Fry is now such a national treasure he's now owned by the National Trust, and Hugh Laurie is now the highest-paid actor on US TV. Not bad for a pair of Cambridge graduates, eh? In this special, when they're not giggling, they talk about their friendship, double-act, and ask each other all sorts of impertinent questions.
Sky, 24th November 2010We always loved A Bit Of Fry And Laurie. Even after we bought the DVDs and realised that some of the sketches were dated. Even after Stephen Fry did Kingdom. Even after House got really, really creaky. We still loved Fry and Laurie.
So to see them re-united in Eltham Palace for a chinwag about old times sent an excited shiver even through our cynical frame. And it is lovely to see their genuine affection. It really is. They recollect amusingly and Stephen Fry even has the grace to look genuinely horribly embarrassed at times, in a manner he wouldn't if being interviewed.
But there aren't enough sketches and the talking heads (Whitehouse and Higson apart) are irritating or irrelevant. Why Gold thought the first person we'd like to see talking about them is Jools Bleeding Holland is anyone's guess. The most interesting bits are when they're apart, discussing each other's further careers. Laurie, in particular, is good talking about Fry. "I wish he'd say 'no' more." Don't we all, Hugh. Don't we all.
TV Bite, 24th November 2010Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie reunited
Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie are being reunited on television for the first time in 15 years.
The Telegraph, 23rd November 2010Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie in pictures
A photo gallery of Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie.
The Telegraph, 23rd November 2010Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie look back over a partnership that was formed 30 years ago and then flourished with Jeeves and Wooster, Blackadder and A Bit of Fry and Laurie. They haven't worked together for 15 years and so this celebration of the pair's achievements as the comic double act allows them to reminisce about their careers, their friendship and reasons for their success. With some this might be tedious and luvvy; not so with Fry and Laurie, who inject warmth and humour into this documentary about two people who genuinely appear to thrive in each other's company.
Simon Horsford, The Telegraph, 23rd November 2010Stephen Fry to star in Irish soap
Actor, broadcaster and QI host Stephen Fry is studying Gaeilge for a cameo appearance in TG4's Irish-language soap opera Ros na Rún.
RTE, 16th November 2010Stephen Fry wins at the Galaxy National Book Awards
Stephen Fry triumphed over books by Tony Blair and Lord Sugar to win biography of the year at the Galaxy National Book Awards.
BBC News, 11th November 2010Stephen Fry regrets 'ill-judged' interview
Stephen Fry has admitted that he should not have agreed to be interviewed by Attitude magazine.
Paul Millar, Digital Spy, 5th November 2010Stephen Fry returns to Twitter after women sex row
Stephen Fry has returned to Twitter after leaving in a fit of pique following criticism over a magazine interview in which he claimed that women do not enjoy sex.
Heidi Blake, The Telegraph, 4th November 2010