Press clippings Page 55
Stephen Fry: In Confidence, Sky Arts
When a celebrity lets their public mask slip, something wonderful and also disconcerting can happen: they can noticeably become someone else. If they're lucky, that change can be so marked that they become just another face in a crowd. Of course, if he were in a police line-up, I'm sure I'd have no problem picking out Stephen Fry, but something of that discernable physical shift happened in last night's In Confidence, when Fry appeared in the interview hot seat with Laurie Taylor.
Fisun Güner, The Arts Desk, 3rd June 2011Stephen Fry 'may well' kill himself
Stephen Fry ''may well'' kill himself because of his on-going battle with bipolar disorder.
The List, 1st June 2011Stephen Fry lends his voice to talking bench
Benches that can 'talk' are being set up at eight beauty spots across the UK, voiced by celebrities including Stephen Fry and Miranda Hart.
BBC News, 31st May 2011Lady Gaga takes tea with Mr Fry
I approach the desk, cough politely and murmur, as if it were the kind of remark I might drop into the ears of a concierge every day, "Hello. I'm here to see Lady Gaga."
Stephen Fry, The Financial Times, 30th May 2011"I feel overexposed": Stephen Fry on the perils of fame
He's one of the most popular figures in British entertainment - but, in an extraordinary, confessional new interview, Stephen Fry has spoken of his deeply uneasy relationship with fame, and how it has grown beyond his control.
Jack Seale, Radio Times, 27th May 2011Stephen Fry joins Hobbit cast as the Master of Laketown
Writer and broadcaster Stephen Fry is to have a role in The Hobbit, its director Peter Jackson has announced.
BBC News, 19th May 2011Fry speaks out against animal testing
Stephen Fry is urging fans to sign a petition in favour of a ban on animal testing for cosmetics sold in Europe.
The Daily Express, 16th May 2011Video: Stephen Fry on saving classical music
Actor and presenter Stephen Fry talks about his love of classical music and why he is trying to encourage more young people to appreciate it.
Fry joined campaigner Suzi Digby on the Breakfast sofa to talk about classical music and why young people need to be introduced to it early on.
BBC News, 12th May 2011Ofcom has found digital channel Dave guilty of a breach of regulations after a single viewer complained about the 'F-word' appearing on a repeat of QI at 2pm.
The viewer complained the repeat of the episode 'Dogs', broadcast by Dave on 22nd February, which had originally been shown post-watershed on BBC Two and BBC Four. The programme featured host Stephen Fry and panellist Jeremy Clarkson saying the words 'fuck' and 'fucking' respectively.
Despite it being shown mid-afternoon, Dave failed to obscure the words properly, leading to the viewer to complain that such words should be been censored during that time of day.
In response UK Gold Services, the company which owns Dave, said the "bleeping of the language was not up to the usual standard", but claimed that due to the partial obscuring "the offence caused was minimal."
Ofcom did not accept this excuse and thus found the network guilty of breaching rule 1.14 of the broadcasting code which states: "The most offensive language must not be broadcast before the watershed (in the case of television)".
QI starts recording its ninth series, Series I, tomorrow. It will be the first series to premiere in the programme's original post-watershed BBC Two slot since its move to a pre-watershed BBC One position.
Ian Wolf, British Comedy Guide, 9th May 2011Stephen Fry enjoys visit to Port Lympne zoo
Much-loved luminary Stephen Fry has paid a visit to Port Lympne Wild Animal Park to film part of a new language documentary.
Kent News, 7th May 2011