Sofie Hagen
- 36 years old
- From Denmark
- Writer and stand-up comedian
Press clippings Page 13
Fringe Festival 2016: The best jokes from the Fringe
If you're missing out on Edinburgh this year, don't fret - we've rounded up some of the biggest LOL moments.
Jessie Thompson, Evening Standard, 18th August 2016Seven must-see comedy shows at the Edinburgh Fringe
Your laughter muscles duly rested by a diet of Dostoevsky and Adam Sandler movies throughout the early summer, you'll be ready and crying out by now for the comedic onslaught of the Edinburgh Fringe. Everywhere from street corners to enormo-venues, you'll find all kinds of people vying to make you think they're the most hilarious thing since internet videos of cats, be they stand-ups, sketch troupes, improvisers, absurdist performance artists or just plain freeform weirdoes. Let us help you sort the funny hahas from the funny hows by highlighting six shows we think will be definite winners this Fringe, from promising up-and-comers to senior stars.
Malcolm Jack, Time Out, 17th August 2016Fringe Q&As: Sofie Hagen
Sofie Hagen talks abotut her new show, Summer Shatter.
The Herald, 15th August 2016Bechdel Testing Edinburgh Fringe festival
This month we're taking time out from holding Bechdel Theatre Festival conversations to Bechdel test some of the many (many, many) shows at the worlds biggest theatre festival in Edinburgh. We've been endorsing Bechdel test passing shows with stickers. Keep your eye out if you're looking at a wall of posters and want to choose something with women at the forefront to break up the overwhelming maleness of most of the festival scene. If you see this logo you can be sure that women are being represented.
Bechdel Theatre, 15th August 2016Sofie Hagen: Edinburgh Fringe is my idea of heaven
She may have been named best newcomer at last year's Edinburgh Fringe but for Sofie Hagen winning the Foster's Comedy Award was quite a lonely experience.
Jill Castle, The Herald, 12th August 2016Interview with Sofie Hagen
Sofie Hagen video interview.
Edinburgh Festivals, 12th August 2016Comedians' shows pulled over unpaid bills
Josh Widdicombe, Jeremy Hardy, Seann Walsh, Shappi Khorsandi and Marcus Brigstocke have all had gigs dropped from the forthcoming programme of Secombe Theatre in Sutton because of the dispute with very little notice. Widdicombe was due to play there only next week. Their agency, Off The Kerb, axed the shows in a row over £3,432 of box office money they say they are owed for another of their clients, Mark Steel, three months ago.
Chortle, 11th August 2016Outsiders makes you want to stay in the EU
The sitcom about a multicultural London flatshare was produced before the Brexit vote - but has ended up becoming an ideal response to it.
Anne Henry, The Guardian, 10th August 2016Edinburgh festival 2016: the shows we recommend
Plan your Edinburgh schedule with this digest of our tips and reviews. Shows are listed by start time. This page will be updated daily throughout the festival.
The Guardian, 9th August 2016Three To See on 10 Aug
Three to see at the Edinburgh Festival tomorrow...
ThreeWeeks, 9th August 2016