Press clippings Page 8
10 people you didn't expect to find in Royston Vasey
Given that the 100+ characters in the turn-of-the-century comedy horror The League Of Gentlemen are almost entirely played by three actors, you will probably be surprised to learn about these A-list cameos.
Jamie Pond, Anglonerd, 29th March 2017Simon Pegg and Nick Frost working on new project
Shaun Of The Dead and Hot Fuzz stars Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are working together on a new project. Few details have been revealed, but it may be in the sci-fi genre.
British Comedy Guide, 12th March 201710 top tens for Hot Fuzz's tenth
This year, after watching Hot Fuzz for the tenth time, and still picking up little details I'd never noticed before, I went down to the pub for a glass of celebratory cranberry juice. I thought Anglonerd magazine, too, should celebrate the brilliance of this film in a big way, so here is not just a top ten list, but ten top ten lists, highlighting the best one hundred things about Edgar Wright's comedy action flick. *Spoilers*
Jaime Pond, Anglonerd, 14th February 2017Simon Pegg and Nick Frost make a fine pair of sci-fi nerds. They play Brits in San Diego for a convention and general UFO spotting, and guess what: they find an actual alien. Paul, who looks like ET, has the voice of Seth Rogen and eats live birds. With the feds after him, the three embark on a wacky, often funny, Winnebago tour of sci-fi movie cliches.
Paul Howlett, The Guardian, 15th October 2016Extract from the biography of Nick Frost
In an exclusive extract from his new memoir, Nick Frost recalls the day his family lost everything- and the night Simon Pegg changed his life.
Nick Frost, The Guardian, 4th October 2015Absolutely Anything review
Simon Pegg cannot save this bleak comedy, which looks and feels as if it was made in the mid-80s.
Jonathan Romney, The Observer, 16th August 2015Absolutely Anything review - cheap and cheerless
Simon Pegg plays a teacher endowed with godlike powers and Robin Williams, in his final film role, supplies the voice of a dog. But it's far from funny.
Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian, 14th August 2015Absolutely Anything review
Absolutely Anything, which stars Simon Pegg as a schoolteacher who receives limitless power from alien beings, is undoubtedly the worst thing he's done, and certainly one of the worst movies yet made. Zero stars.
Kevin Maher, The Times, 14th August 2015Absolutely Anything review: 'lightly feeble'
Not even a Monty Python reunion of sorts can save Simon Pegg's sci-fi comedy from mediocrity.
Robbie Collin, The Telegraph, 13th August 2015Absolutely Anything review
Absolutely Anything continues on an unwanted trend for Simon Pegg, of making mediocre British comedies, far removed from the ingenuity of his earlier work.
Stefan Pape, Hey U Guys, 13th August 2015