Shazia Mirza
- English
- Actor and stand-up comedian
Press clippings Page 7
Video: Witty comebacks to sexist banter
It is a sad reality that sexist jokes and banter continue to be a part of many women's lives. Sometimes you might wish you had the perfect comeback, so how can you get the last laugh? We asked four comedians - Tiff Stevenson, Ellie Taylor, Desiree Burch and Shazia Mirza - to give us their wittiest responses to common sexist comments.
Derrick Evans, BBC, 8th March 2017Review - Shazia Mirza: The Kardashians Made Me Do It
Shazia Mirza broke the mold of conventional comedy last night.
Abby Kwantes, The Latest, 3rd March 2017Comics share their tips for dealing with tough crowds
We ask comedians for their advice on facing a tough crowd at work.
Kirstie Brewer, The Guardian, 20th January 2017'They want Muslims to be offended, but we aren't'
BBC2 sketch "Real Housewives of Isis" has been criticised as 'morally bankrupt' but many say such satire is a British tradition and can help in fight against terrorists.
Alexandra Topping, The Guardian, 6th January 2017Leicester Comedy Festival line-up announced
Next year's Leicester Comedy Festival will have as many events as ever, despite the headline sponsorship deal coming to an end.
Tom Mack, Leicester Mercury, 7th November 2016Review: Funny Women Awards Final 2016, Koko
If we wanted to get all political about it Funny Women shouldn't exist. Comedians are comedians, why should gender even enter into it? But it does and the Funny Women organisation is clearly tapping into something. This year's final was staged at a bigger venue than usual and it was absolutely packed. For the first time in as long as I can remember I had to review a gig perched on a step at the back of a room.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 29th September 2016The best jokes from Edinburgh festival
These are the funniest lines we've heard so far from this year's standup shows.
The Guardian, 15th August 2016Edinburgh Fringe: Why comedians need to get serious
found myself sitting at a comedy gig at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe the other day and having a Richard Pryor moment. It was a decent show, by an established comic, musing on the vagaries of life. It was funny and well observed but all I could think was, what am I doing here? I wanted something different. A comic who would use his or her wit to interrogate some of the big issues we're facing.
Will Gompertz, BBC News, 12th August 2016Shazia Mirza interview
Shazia Mirza talks about her show The Kardashians Made Me Do It.
The Herald, 11th August 2016Interview: Shazia Mirza - The Kardashians Made Me Do I
Shazia Mirza interview.
Rosie Gillott, Fresh Air, 10th August 2016